多摩美フェス イン 八王子キャンパス ウィズ ユタッフェン Art Fes in Tamabi uni in Hatiouji

昨日はあったかくっていい天気で芸祭美よりでした〜! その様子をどどっと紹介、良かったら明日までだからみんなヘンピなとこにありますが、足を伸ばしてみては

Today was sooooooooo beautiful weather! it is like just for this festival!


 ゆーたくん、気合い入って多摩美カラーのシャツ 笑 うそ、私がたまたま着せました 笑

In front of a building of media art, there was a booth of T-shirts design. Everyone pulls the transparent strings and then
t-shirts come down. me and my friend was impressed by the device!


in art uni, a landing is a kind of deperture of works of thier art. here, we prepare groundwork like assembling canvas, painting ground coulor or so on.


 なんかこのブース臭い臭い、なに使って絵描いてんだろう?と突き進むと、、納豆の部屋がありました 何パック使ったんだろ?!納豆の匂いは世 界に誇る芸術でもある?!

Smell smell something strange! I was saying waht material they use for it in this oil painting booth?!, then we found NATTOO room!!!
I wonder how many pack of Nattoo she used. Natto's smell is kind of art Japansese should be proud of ?!
beatiful flowers floating

bunch of mouthes speaking

uuuuuh, lazy...I made a slideshow! Enjoy!